
British Pilgrims entering the Cathedral at Chartres

Saturday 28 January 2012

Registrations Open!

Our Lady of Chartres

Registrations for this year’s Pilgrimage to Chartres are now open!  The 30th Chartres Pilgrimage has, as it’s theme, “The Family, Cradle of Christendom.”  We hope you are able to join us for this unforgettable experience in honour of Our Blessed Mother.  

The 19th British Pilgrimage leaves London on Friday, 25th May 2012 at 7:30 AM.  (There should be a Mass of Departure in Westminster Cathedral Crypt at 7:00 AM as usual).  The Registration Form should be completed and returned with a deposit of £30 per person by the Feast of the Annunciation (25 March 2012).  We arrive back in London about 8PM on the following Tuesday, 29 May 2012.  The programme is expected to be the same as last year with Mass before departure; Ferry to France; overnight stay Friday at the Hotel ibis, Aulnay sous Bois; 3 days of Pilgrimage; a hot meal and overnight stay at the Chatelet in Chartres; Mass in Chartres Cathedral Crypt; and return via Eurotunnel to London.  We are pleased to be able to maintain the cost at £250.00 (£125.00 for Children). 

We expect to have at least one Juventutem (Youth) chapter and one adult chapter and further chapters will be added as necessary.  We hope to have the usual support from our priests, Frs. Martin Edwards, Gerard Byrne, Alex Redman, Bruno Witchells, Bede Rowe, and Mark Withoos.              

Further information and updates will be posted to our website. Please ask if there is anything which you do not understand (leave a comment or contact us).