News and Information regarding the British Chapters of the Traditional Pentecost Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres

British Pilgrims entering the Cathedral at Chartres
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Our Coach is Full!
I am pleased to report that we have now filled all the places on our coach to France. We look forward to meeting or re-meeting all those pilgrims who have already registered in London or France! Chartres Sonnez! And many have answered that call!
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Ready, Set ....
Prospective Pilgrim,
Re: Chartres Pilgrimage 2019
The 37th Chartres
Pilgrimage has, as it’s theme, “The Peace of Christ through the Reign of Christ”. We hope you are able to join us for this
unforgettable pilgrimage in honour of Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Ghost.
The 26th British
Pilgrimage leaves London on Friday, 7 June 2019 at 7:30 AM. (There will be a Mass of Departure in
Westminster Cathedral Crypt at 7:00 AM). Deposit by 25 March, with payment
in full by Palm Sunday, 14 April 2019 please. We
arrive back in London about 8PM on the following Tuesday, 11 June 2019. Following the Mass before departure; we take
the Ferry to France; overnight stay Friday at the Hotel ibis, Aulnay sous Bois; 3 days of Pilgrimage; a hot meal and overnight stay in
Chartres (L’Hotel); Mass in Chartres Cathedral Crypt; and return via Eurotunnel
to London. The full cost is £285.00 (£140.00
for Children under 12). Further information is on the website.
We will have one Youth chapter (ages 13-30) dedicated to St. Alban and one chapter (Our Lady of Walsingham) for everyone else! We may also have a family chapter.
Please contact us for any further information
on email: We look forward to seeing you on the road to
Chartres, Deo volente!
God bless,
Francis and Julie Carey
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