Used with permission of The Evening Standard |
Dear Friends,
The fire of the cathedral Notre Dame de Paris this Monday of Holy Week can only make us think of the words of Our Lord "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it" (Saint John 2, 13-25). God has allowed incomparable sufferings with the Passion of Jesus; we must keep a supernatural view of our trials.
Yesterday morning, I listened to Bishop Aupetit ask us to question the deep spiritual reasons that led to the construction of Notre Dame de Paris. He also called us to reconstruct the Church which is not made only of buildings.
Many wondered about the changes that this drama could have on our pilgrimage of Christendom. The pilgrimage will, of course, go ahead! How could it be otherwise! "It is necessary that France, it is necessary that Christianity continues" said Charles Peguy.
We will inform you as soon as possible of practical changes concerning the first day of pilgrimage, on June 8th. Our Support Teams are currently working on the different options. Be vigilant by regularly consulting our website (www.nd-chretiente.com) or by calling our secretariat (
In these trials, let's try to mobilize the pilgrims in an exceptional way this year. The fervor of the passers-by on the square of Notre Dame in flames must continue with the fervor of the pilgrims of Christendom!
John Paul II pronounced, on May 30, 1980, this beautiful prayer at the foot of the statue of Notre-Dame de Paris:
"Virgin Mary, in the heart of the City
We pray for this capital city.
You, the Untainted, keep the purity of faith!
Virgin Mary, from this edge of the Seine,
We pray for the country of France.
You, Mother, teach them hope!
Virgin Mary, in this high place of Christendom,
We pray for all the peoples of the earth.
You, full of grace, make them one in Love. "
Our Lady of Paris, pray for us.
Our Lady of Chartres, pray for us.
Our Lady of Holy Hope, convert us.
Jean de Tauriers
President of Our Lady of Christendom