Dear Friends and Prospective Pilgrims,
Chartres sonne! It's that time again!
We are delighted to invite you to the 43rd Chartres Pilgrimage and the 30th from the UK! We hope you are able to join us for this unforgettable pilgrimage in honour of Our Blessed Mother. The theme of this year’s pilgrimage is “That He reigns on earth as He does in Heaven". The date of the pilgrimage is 7 - 9th June 2025. This year we will have 3 adult chapters and a family chapter.
Coach from London
There will be a British group leaving Brompton Oratory, London on a coach on Friday, 6 June 2025 after the 8am Mass at 8.45am sharp.
The coach is now full. Please email if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
The coach package cost of the pilgrimage is £295 (plus £75 for a single room supplement, subject to availability). Children under 12 are £150. This includes hotel accommodation just outside Paris (B&B) on Friday night and in Chartres on Tuesday night (DBB). Please note all under 18s need to be accompanied by a parent or a responsible older relative.
Travel independently to and from France
If you wish to travel independently and join the group in Paris on Saturday morning to walk with our chapters, the registration cost is £10 which includes a hymn/prayer booklet including all of the mass propers and a contribution towards the cost of receiver/speaker device (to hear the meditations etc. during the pilgrimage). Note those travelling independently will need to find their own accommodation.
The sooner we gather registrations from all participating pilgrims, the sooner we can start to assign pilgrims to our chapters.
Registration process
Please note that there is an important change to the registration process this year.
In addition to registering with English chapters with the link provided in this email below, it will also be necessary for each pilgrim to register with, and pay a fee (circa €40 for older adults; €10 for children and younger adults) directly to the French organisers, Notre Dame de Chrétienté. The opening date for those registrations is Palm Sunday (13th April 2025). We will email a link when it is live to those registered with us and advise the chapter you will be walking in. It is vitally important that you complete this important step as soon as possible after this date to ensure you are allocated a pilgrimage bracelet (which gives entitlement to join the pilgrimage and access the campsites etc.) We request that you confirm by this email to us once you have done this.
Register now to walk with us!
Registrations are now open for you via this link: Registration Form.
There is a facility to pay by card (for a small fee - up to 2.2% dependent on cost) as part of the registration process or you can pay by bank transfer if you prefer to avoid this cost. Details are in the payment section of the form. Please register with us by 25th March 2025. Don't delay as we expect places to sell out fast!
Please note that there will be no refunds possible within 3 weeks of the pilgrimage.
Further information is contained in the form or you can request a pdf booklet from Please read it carefully as there is a lot of detail and advice in there. Please also contact us on email: if you have any other questions about the Pilgrimage.
We look forward to seeing you on the road to Chartres, Deo volente!
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